best blowjob machines

Best Blowjob Machines in 2023 for Ultimate Oral Pleasure

If you have a penis, the chances are that you are a fan of blowjobs or are at least curious to receive one if you haven't experienced oral sex yet. Now, imagine that you could purchase a machine that sucks your dick anytime you desire oral pleasure! If you are male-identified and would like to explore oral simulators, check out the best blowjob machines on the market, as well as general information about male masturbators.

Blowjob sex toys and blowjob machines can provide the male sex with the ultimate fantasy of an automatic blowjob, either using a manual toy or choosing a hands-free blowjob machine. Whether you are single or partnered off, blowjob machines are interesting, versatile, and offer an array of erotic sensations. And like any sex toy, the use of an oral simulator will provide an exciting layer of spice to your intimate activities. But how do you find the best blowjob toy?

What Are Blowjob Simulators?

Blowjob machines fall into the category of other male masturbators, like Fleshlights and Pocket Pussies. It is a sex toy that simulates the feeling of oral sex, but unlike other masturbator toys, a blowjob toy emulates the sensation of sucking motions with a mouth.

Blowjob simulators can come in all sorts of designs, and depending on the brand, these toys can offer different features. Some machines require the use of your hands, while others allow for a hands-free experience. You can find blowjob machines that include realistic features, such as lips and tongues, or you can explore more high-tech options.

In 2011, American inventor and ex-pat Brian Sloan created the original Autoblow, a blowjob machine powered by A/C motors. However, since then, there have been variations created by different manufactures. Some designs incorporate VR porn to provide an additional visual component, while other blowjob toys incorporate a masturbation sleeve.

In general, these machines are quite popular. But before you purchase a blowjob machine, it's best to consider your budget, how you want to use it, and the types of sensations you would like to explore.

Different Types of Blowjob Machines

different types of blowjob simulators

For the best-simulated blowjob experience, make sure that you invest in a high-quality sex toy. When it comes to blowjob machines, some interesting and versatile products are available today for consumers.

The creation of high-quality male sex toys and blowjob machines has been quite the journey! Some men may prefer a more basic style of a male masturbator toy. However, others may want to use more high-tech sex toys that include other components, such as audio or visual aids. Regardless of the style of blowjob simulator that you choose, the main focus is to feel like you are getting the most amazing blowjob possible from your machine.

Manual Male Masturbators

The origins of male sex toys can be traced back to the days of pocket pussies and simulated vaginal sex. But inventors of these products, such as Steve Shubin (creator of the famous Fleshlight brand), then expanded his collection to include simulated oral sex.  

Understanding that a blow job feels different than having vaginal intercourse, unique types of sleeves, textures, and beads were incorporated into new sex toy designs that eventually morphed into blowjob simulators.

There is some argument as to whether manual male masturbators can actually be considered blowjob machines. However, there are male consumers out there that love their blowjob simulator, even if it doesn't offer a hands-free blowjob.  

Fleshlight Thrust

For example, the Fleshlight franchise developed the Thrust Blowjob Masturbator. For fans of the Thrust, it has been referred to as one of the best blowjob toys. The sleeve and the entry points' spiraling design simulates the feeling of mouths and tongues, that deliver a wonderful, deep-throat experience. 

One of the advantages of owning a manual blowjob sex toy is the price. A more technologically-advanced toy will obviously be more expensive. So if you are looking to own a blowjob simulator but are on a budget, you may want to consider one of these more basic (but still effective!) models.

RealDoll Blowjob Simulator

The makers of RealDoll sex toys have developed a RealDoll Oral Simulator. The design may be a bit unnerving if you are weirded out by the idea of a face on a stick. However, if you enjoy a more realistic-looking mouth and tongue, this could be an excellent option for you. 

The RealDoll blowjob simulator is comparable to a manual masturbator since you can use your hands to control the depth and intensity of the blowjob. However, it is also compatible with the Autoblow 2. This is a versatile alternative for those who like the look and feel of a face. The RealDoll blowjob simulator could also appeal to those who prefer a blowjob simulator that doubles as a manual masturbator. 


hands free blowjob machine

The ability to receive hands-free oral sex from a sex toy can offer one of the most realistic blowjob experiences for male consumers. However, it's essential to recognize that just because a particular blowjob machine is marketed as a hands-free device does not mean that it can stand alone. In some cases, you will need to secure the machine in some way so that you can truly keep your hands off the item. 

There are machines available that provide a hands-free blowjob. These products offer the sensation of an automatic blowjob, and for those who want to kick back and relax while they receive oral sex, these are some of the best blowjob simulators to own.

There is an obvious advantage to using a hands-free device. Aside from receiving a more realistic experience, you can do other things with your hands, such as pleasuring yourself or your partner at the same time. 

Fleshlight Launch

In developing a hands-free, realistic blowjob machine, The Fleshlight Launch was then created. Contrary to some belief, The Fleshlight Launch is not a stand-alone sex toy. Instead, one can use it as an extension with their existing Fleshlight toy.

What sets the Fleshlight Launch apart is that it can turn your ordinary manual male masturbator into a hands-free device. To achieve this, one merely needs to place the standard Fleshlight inside the Fleshlight Launch, and the sex toy accessory will provide an automatic blowjob. Just remember to make sure that your Fleshlight Launch is fully charged before use, and don't forget to include a water-based lube.

Japanese Blowjob Machine

Once referred to as the Puchi Som, this Japanese sex toy has since been renamed the Petit Som. Created by Kanojo Toys, the Petit Som is advertised as delivering a realistic fellatio experience.

Since the design sits in between your legs while the toy thrusts in and out on its own, it is possible to use this toy without needing your hands. The slider is said to up to 110 strokes per minute.

This product is not cheap, but considering the perks that the Petit Som offers, in addition to its quality mechanics, it is definitely one item that would be considered a valuable investment for those who really enjoy an automatic blow job.

AutoBlow 2

The original Autoblow machine received an upgrade in 2014 to become a relatively hands-free machine. As mentioned above, some products can work as both a manual masturbator or as an automatic toy, and the Autoblow 2 is the perfect example.

If you want to avoid holding the toy in your hand, you can experiment with different positions, such as laying flat on your stomach with the Autoblow beneath you. Another plus to this model is that it plugs into the wall, so batteries are not required. It's also one machine that is easy to clean because the Autoblow 2 uses a removable sleeve. Best of all, this product offers over 1000 hours of industrial motor strength; talk about the ultimate hummer!

Virtual Reality & AI

AI VR blowjob simulator

The pairing of sex and tech is not a flash-in-the-pan trend. More and more, new products are coming out that incorporate advanced technology and engineering. One of the most exciting developments in today's sex toys is the integration of virtual reality, which is undoubtedly the case in BJ simulators. 

While inventor Brian Sloan paved the way with his newest Autoblow AI machine, other manufactures followed suit. Below are some examples of toys that are utilizing artificial intelligence and virtual reality to provide consumers with a realistic and mind-blowing sex toy experience.

Autoblow AI

The Autoblow AI is the most advanced product in the trilogy of the Autoblow franchise. Not only is this item a hands-free model, but it is also powered by artificial intelligence. This particular model does not rely on batteries but instead can be plugged into the wall. The sleeves are made from body-safe silicone, and it is advertised to use machine learning to simulate over ten different blowjob styles and techniques!

Kiiroo Onyx 2

The Kiiroo Onyx 2 is another example of a high-tech oral sex toy that uses an 'automatic blowjob robot' to power pleasurable sensations. However, the Kiiroo Onyx 2 goes a step further and can connect apps, video chat, and VR porn.

Another appealing feature of this blowjob machine is that the design is very sleek and sophisticated. Male consumers have likened it to an object that looks like a speaker or technological device. If you prefer a discreet look of your male masturbator, this model will meet your aesthetic requirements.

Does the best blowjob machine need to be high-tech?

Does the best blowjob machine need to be high-tech

The choice of blowjob machine ultimately comes down to personal preference. Some men prefer a more like a manual male masturbator, while other consumers may be excited to try the latest high-tech design.

There are pros and cons to owning a technologically advanced toy. First, products that incorporate advancements like virtual reality are expensive. Not only is there a cost of the item itself, but add-ons, such as apps or virtual porn, also add to the overall price. Also, some reviews have noted that the motors inside some high-tech can be quite loud compared to a manual blowjob masturbator.

On the flip-side, the machine inside an item such as the Kiiroo Onyx 2 can deliver strokes and sucks at a very fast-pace per minute, delivering an intense experience for the user. Also, automatic engineering may add to the realistic experience to feel like they are receiving oral sex instead of masturbating.

Whatever blowjob machine style you choose, one should always use lube with their toy to have an enjoyable blowjob machine experience.

Why Use A Blowjob Simulator?

why use a blowjob simulator

Just as women like to purchase sex toys for their personal pleasure, men also have the option to enjoy an array of toys for their enjoyment. Intimate toys allow us the freedom to explore our bodies whenever it's convenient for us, without needing to rely on a partner. And as such, there are a few reasons why a man may choose to purchase a blowjob simulator.


With a blowjob simulator, men can enjoy the sensation of receiving oral sex whenever they want, as opposed to waiting until their partner is in the mood. In addition, not every lover is necessarily into giving blowjobs. A machine that emulates this act is perfect for the man who enjoys receiving blow jobs but who may not be getting them as often as they would like from their partner.

Secondly, Another benefit to using a blowjob machine is that it can be used for stamina training, in the same way that one could use a manual masturbator. Some men may actually like to use such a machine to increase their sexual endurance.

Third, a blowjob machine can provide oral pleasure using different patterns and vibrations. This may not always feel realistic in how a human mouth would feel, but it certainly adds variety to the types of sensations one can feel!


Some men out there might feel self-conscious or even ashamed to purchase a blowjob machine out of the fear of being judged. But just as women purchase sex toys to harness control over their own pleasure, finding the right blowjob simulator is nothing to be embarrassed about! These machines are far more popular and widely known than one may think!

For example, in 2014, Brian Sloan crowdfunded his Autoblow 2 concept on Indiegogo to manufacture this high-tech blowjob simulator. The Autoblow 2 is now owned by over 200,000 men, reaching distribution within 50 countries.

Now, there are over 98 different toys available on the market. Of course, not every item is up to par when it comes to consumer standards. But the fact that sex toy manufacturers have been creating many different versions of this self-operating device only proves a demand from men who desire a simulated experience. And there is nothing wrong with that!

Long-Distance Lovers

Obviously, one does not need to be single to enjoy these toys. Simulators that use AI technology and machine learning can be great for partners in long-distance relationships.

Imagine that you are at home, missing your girlfriend and wishing that she was close to you so that you indulge in some intimate play. You fantasize about her deep throat skills, longing to see her face. It's never easy to miss a long-distance partner but never fear; there is a solution to your woes!

In this instance, a simulator such as the Kiiroo Onyx can offer an exciting, quick fix. Because the Kiiroo Onyx can connect to a video chat platform or VR porn headset, it is entirely possible to integrate images or a live chat with your long-distance girlfriend. The Kiiroo Onyx is one example where you can sync your machine to your partner so that you can blow enjoy an intimate, long-distance experience.

Not every machine can offer this feature, but for those who want to engage in remote oral sex or like the idea of connecting their item to another device to maximize various sensations, an AI-powered product is a great alternative to solo play.

How To Choose The Right Blowjob Machine

how to choose the right blowjob machine

Finding the right oral simulator can be daunting, especially if you are looking into a model that may be more expensive. When investing in such a product, it's best to understand the difference between various features and settings and consider safety and cleaning. Below are some points that may factor into your decision-making.


Being able to control the speed and the number of strokes is important in receiving a good oral experience. Since every user is different in terms of what they enjoy in an oral simulator, finding the right automatic technique will shape your perspective on such machines.

Some AI-powered machines offer pre-programmed settings, as well as the ability to customize your preferred strokes. The coolest part about the integration of machine learning is its ability to recognize your chosen preferences, such as in the case of the Autoblow AI. Yup, your high-tech machine could actually learn to understand the kind of oral sex that you want to receive!


When it comes to your device's sleeve, the choice of material used is another key aspect to explore. In general, body-safe materials, such as high-quality, body-safe silicone. However, not every brand will use silicone for the penis sleeve, so this is where you will want to do your research.

Realistic-Feeling Sleeves

Other common materials used in blowjob machines aside from silicone are Cyberskin, Fanta Flesh, Superskin (which is used by the Fleshlight brand), and even ABS plastic.

The obvious choice would be a material that feels like a mouth or skin for the most realistic sensation. Opt for materials such as Cyberskin, Fanta Flesh, or Superskin, as they are akin to silicone and are fairly easy to clean and maintain.


It's the exciting bells and whistles that make your machine unique, so be sure to explore the special features of each product. In addition to aspects such as AI, machine learning, and the ability to connect your toy to a VR headset, there are other points to consider before purchasing your device.


It's best to exercise caution with the term 'waterproof.' Sometimes, that can mean a fully submersible toy in water but not always. Never dunk your toy in water unless the feature notes that it is safe to do so. In most cases, more high-tech devices are not waterproof or even water-resistant. If you are looking for a way to play in the water, you may be better off selecting a manual blowjob masturbator instead.


Textures can differ based on the mechanics of the toy. For manual blowjob toys, the sensations may come from the design of the penis sleeve. These are usually ribbed or have tiny little bumps inside that help create the delicious feelings of lips, tongues, resistance (as in how the toy sucks), and yes, even teeth, which some men quite enjoy!

With more advanced machines, such as the Kiiroo Onyx or Lelo F1, the motors may include delicious vibrations, air pumps (which can increase the feeling of having a real blowjob), and even female voice-overs!


It's important to note that many of these toys can be quite loud. Depending on the type of motor used, you may find your device exuding more noises than you!

With certain models, the sensations are so intense that some customers may choose to ignore the loud motor in exchange for the feeling that it provides. However, others may find such a noise distracting or annoying. A loud-sounding product can also be inconvenient for users who have children at home or a partner they do not want to disturb.

Cleaning and Maintaining Your Blowjob Simulator

It's important to clean and maintain your machine, especially after every use. Luckily many of these oral simulators are easy to clean. Let's examine the steps to properly maintain your device so that it remains hygienic and functional.

Cleaning the sleeve is a must!

cleaning a blowjob simulator

For both automatic, high-tech, and manual BJ devices, the penis sleeve is removable. You must clean out the sleeve after every use. If not, whatever has been leftover from the last time you used it will cause bacteria and germs to grow, and suddenly, your expensive and beloved product will become unusable.

Depending on what the penis sleeve is constructed from, you can use an antibacterial soap with warm water or a toy cleaner specifically designed for your device.

3 Step Process

  1. First, remove the sleeve from the hard case and clean out the inside, paying close attention to the nooks and crannies that could hide bits of body fluids. For some sleeves, it's okay to turn them inside out but not for all; in doing so, you could eventually damage the toy's integrity. It's best to check with the manufacturer to refer to any detailed instructions.
  2. Once the penis sleeve has been cleaned, it's important to ensure that the item fully dries before use. Again, if not, excess moisture could cause the growth of harmful bacteria growth. You can dry your sleeve simply by placing it out in the open to let it air dry.
  3. If your BJ machine comes with a hard casing, that should be fairly easy to clean as well. If necessary, you can wipe the surfaces with a cloth or use an antibacterial wipe. Of course, it goes without saying that you should never submerge an electrical device in water.

Porus versus non-porous materials

Another consideration in cleaning the penis sleeve is first understanding what type of material it's made from. As mentioned above, sleeves can be constructed from a variety of both porous and non-porous materials.

Understanding the difference in how to clean and maintain porous and non-porous products is key because their methods are slightly different. For example, silicone is a non-porous material. Silicone products can be sterilized through boiling (as long as the item is 100% silicone) and only requires soap and water.

However, a porous material such as Cyberskin (which is particularly popular in items such as penis sleeves) requires a bit more care because porous materials can trap bacteria in-you guessed it-it's open pores.

To clean a porous sleeve, such as one made of Cyberskin or Fanta Flesh, it's best to use antibacterial soap and let it air dry completely. Or better yet, you can use a cleaner that is specifically designed for that particular model.

For example, the sleeves inside well-known Fleshlight are typically paired with the special Fleshlight water. This ensures that your sleeve is properly sanitized, using a cleaner that is best suited to its material.

Recommendations of Best Blowjob Machines

Check out our favorite BJ simulators from the list below. Hopefully, this will guide you towards finding the best blowjob machine for you!

Hummer Plus Ultimate Blowjob Male Masturbator

Hummer Plus Ultimate Blow Job Male Masturbator

The Hummer Plus is definitely ultimate in both design and price. This sleek machine is similar in style to the Kiiroo Onyx in that it looks more like a high-tech device than a male masturbator. And high-tech it is!

The Hummer does not require the use of your hands, as it delivers an automatic, oral experience that uses 2 cr2032 batteries to power its motor. 6 manual modes deliver speeds of 180 RPMs and 180 suction features. Best of all, the Hummer is remote-controlled and includes a suction cup for easy mounting. If only it was waterproof and could connect to Wifi!

We will be honest, this product is a heavy investment and might be a better alternative for men who are already familiar with such intimate items.


We love this easy-to-handle product from Zolo that offers fun vibrations, along with two different sucking and stroking motions which will add variety to your oral pleasure. Like the Hummer, it also comes with a suction cup base for when you want to use for hands for something else.

The downside to the item is that the ribbed and textured sleeve is made from porous TPE and ABS plastic. A silicone sleeve is always preferred, but if you consider the lower cost of this product in conjunction with its offerings, the plastic material may be overlooked by some users.

Fleshlight Turbo Thrust Blue Ice Penis Masturbator - Oral Sex Sleeve

The Fleshlight brand is synonymous with male pleasure (find out if Fleshlights are worth the money here), and the Fleshlight Turbo Thrust is no exception. The penis sleeve is designed to simulate oral sex, including deep-throat sensations. The Fleshlight Thrust is not a complicated or noisy item, which could be a plus for some buyers.

However, speed and strokes are limited to the use of your hand. For those who are looking for a more intense BJ, the Fleshlight Thrust may be too simple of a design. However, this may be the perfect product for men who are new to the idea of oral simulators and prefer to start with a more basic model.

Doc Johnson Goodhead Helping Head Ultimate BJ Helper

Sometimes all you need a good BJ aid in the form of a Tenga sleeve. Although the Doc Johnson BJ Helper is not technically a machine, the Thermoplastic Polyamide sleeve is textured to simulate an oral experience when used manually. Some users described the texture as 'a a wet mouth,' and the Doc Johnson BJ Helper can provide the feeling of receiving some hot and deep action!

Because of its compact size, this would be a great product to include with partner play. If you are a consumer who is looking to combine a BJ experience from the Doc Johnson while your lover interacts, this may be a wonderful item for you.

ZOLO BlowPro Vibrating Stroking Penis Masturbator

With three different modes of sucking and stroking, in addition to the design of realistic-looking lips, the Zolo BlowPro provides intense oral pleasure. Enjoy the versatile sensations of vibrations and massaging beads nestled inside a TPE sleeve. It is easy to clean and operate, as the Zolo uses four AAA batteries. While not high-tech, this product delivers a combination of both value and quality.


If you are in search of the best blowjob machine, our recommendation goes to the Zolo BlowPro Vibrating Stroking Penis MasturbatorWe love its portability, features, and design within a reasonable price point. As you research the best blowjob machines, hopefully, this comprehensive guide will help you find the right product for you!