Whether you're on a budget or simply bored, an ice dildo might be what you need. Made from a bunch of common household items, the ice dildo is cheap, accessible, and insanely easy to make at home. Not to mention, much safer than many other DIY dildos.
Offering unique erotic sensations that you're not likely to encounter on an average everyday basis, an ice dildo provides endless opportunities for exploration and play. So if you were wondering how to make an ice dildo for your next intimate moment, here's what you need to do.
How to Make an Ice Dildo
Before you get started on your adult science project of making your ice dildo, it's important that you have all of the essentials at hand. These include the following items (although you might mix things up a little as you discover your preferences):
Clean water
A hollow tube like from paper towels or foil rolls
With all of the necessities at the ready, you're ready to make an ice dildo. Here's how to do it:
Step 1 - Cut the tube
Setting a water-filled condom in your freezer lying on its side would result to your ice dildo having a single flat facet (which might feel fun in some cases). But if you want to achieve that uniform, cylindrical shape, then using a cardboard tube becomes a necessity.
Depending on the girth of your tube, your DIY ice dildo will also change in size and thickness. Cut the tube lengthwise and try to customize the circumference to match your desired size. Then wrap tape all the way around the tube to fix the tube's girth and to keep the tube closed.
Step 2 - Secure the condom inside the tube
Your lubricated or unlubricated condom should align straight down inside the tube. This makes sure that as the water freezes, the condom will conform to the inside shape of the tube, maintaining a perfectly cylindrical structure.
To secure the condom to the tube, simply open the condom and slide it tip-down into the tube. Then take the opening of the condom and fold it over the outer edge of the tube's lip. You can take a small elastic band to tightly secure the condom against the tube's top edge.
Avoid spermicidally lubricated ones when choosing a condom for your ice dildo. Spermicidal lubricant creates an odd texture when frozen and might not provide the best experience for the average user.
Step 3 - Fill it with water
Take some clean water and carefully fill the condom. Maintain your hold on the folded lip to prevent the weight of the water from pulling down on the condom and removing it from its place inside the tube.
The more water you pour in, the fatter the resulting DIY ice dildo will be. Practice caution though as pouring too much might cause the delicate tube to give way. Once the water reaches just about below the top half inch, that should be your signal to stop.
Step 4 - Place the tube into the freezer
With everything properly secured and filled, it's time to place the tube into your freezer. Find a clean, clear space in your freezer away from meats and other food products (freezing point kills most bacteria, but still.)
Then take your DIY ice dildo and stand the tube upright. Make sure that it's secure and that it won't fall over when you close the door. The best way to do this would be to prop the cardboard tube up against a corner or inner wall of your freezer.
Step 5 - Wait until frozen, then remove the tube
It can take anywhere from 45 minutes to a few hours to freeze your IDY ice dildo, depending on the temperature in your freezer. Once it's frozen solid, take out the frozen dildo, cut away the cardboard tube holding it together, and carefully lift the tape holding the cardboard together.
This should give you a solid, frozen water filled condom that's (almost) ready to use. Just take the open end (that you folded over the tube's edge) and secure it closed with a rubber band.
If you want a clear ice dildo but you keep getting cloudy ice, you may have to boil water. Boiling water freezes without dissolved air which forms tiny bubbles that are the main culprit for that cloudy appearance. Using water that was previously boiled produces ice cubes or ice toys that appear much clearer.
Variations for Ice Dildo Shapes and Sizes

Of course, the standard penis-shaped ice dildo always wins the cake as the easiest and most accessible option for guys and girls on the go. But if you're willing to spend a little extra time as you make an ice dildo, these creative methods can let you explore different shapes, sizes, and texture.
Essentially, all you need to do to alter the overall design of your textured ice dildo would be to change the tube structure. Altering its girth, shape, and texture will essentially reflect the same changes on your finished frozen sex toys.
Flared ice dildos
To make an ice dildo that's flared at the tip, simply construct your tube so that it looks like a pyramid with a gentle slope. This means that the base should be slightly wider than the top, so that the condom conforms to the flared end. Remember that the size of your dildo relies on the inside circumference of the tube so it's always going to be a little smaller than your tube mold.
Dimpled ice dildo
This one's a little trickier. Although some recommend using bubble wrap cut to the same size as the interior of the tube, many complain that bubble wrap doesn't really create such emphasized texture on the resulting ice dildo. Better than a small sheet of bubble wrap, apply dollops of hot glue using a glue gun to the inside of the tube to create a textured surface on your finished dildo.
Striped ice dildo
Take a thick cord and use a hot glue gun to secure it to the inside of the tube. Create patterns, lines, stripes, or a spiral ridge in your desired style. Once your ice dildo freezes inside the tube, the lines will result to ridges on the surface of the finished dildo.
Shaped ice dildo
Who says you need to stick to a cardboard tube? You can use lots of other objects around your house to make an ice dildo. Empty plastic bottles from sodas and juices are designed with ridges, bulbs, and curves that make for interesting ice dildos. You can also make a larger dildo by simply choosing to maintain your cardboard tube at the same width it came in or by using a larger mold all together. Learn how to use a large dildo here.
Bumpy ice dildo
Here's a creative idea that might let you make an ice dildo without a tube. Take your condom and stuff it with small ice cubes. The little round ones work best to avoid any discomfort caused by pointy corners and edges on ice cubes. Make sure the ice stuffs the condom so that they create bumps. Then fill the dead space with water and stand in a freezer to solidify.
Tips for Using an Ice Dildo
With your fun new toy at the ready, you might feel a little extra excited to explore the possibilities. Here are some tips to make the most of your ice dildo:
Run It Under Cold Tap Water
Will ice stick to your skin if you use it fresh from the freezer? You betcha. Frost will form on the surface of the condom as you take it out of the fridge. This can cause serious discomfort if inserted directly into an orifice.
To prevent that, make sure to run your ice dildo under cool water to moisten and lubricate its length. This starts the ice melting, a thin layer of melted ice forms on its surface which makes the dildo more comfortable to use.
Brace Yourself
It's hard to be prepared for that first thermal sensation as it glides into your hoo-ha or over a bare nipple. Most people feel a jarring (yet pleasant) shock after first feeling the ice dildo or ice cube sliding into or over their intimate region.
Make sure to keep calm and work slowly. If you're playing with a partner who's trying an ice dildo for the first time, talk them through and avoid sudden movements. Do not put ice internally until you're completely comfortable. And even then, don't push it all the way or keep it in for too long.
Lay Down Some Towels
Playing with an ice dildo will get you wet in more ways than one. As the ice melts, the condom will start to form condensate that will trickle into whatever hole you're trying to stimulate.
Once the whole thing becomes a sloshy, melted, water-filled condom, then you can expect some major leakage. So just to keep things nice and dry, consider laying down towels.
Use a Second Condom
If the shocking cool of an ice dildo is a little too unique for your senses, then you can insert the finished ice dildo into a second lubricated condom. This maintains the lubricated feel of the condom and tempers the sensation for a subdued yet equally stimulating and satisfying erotic encounter.
Other Fun Ideas for Temperature Play

Has all this ice dildo talk piqued your interest in temperature play? You don't always have to make an ice dildo. There are more ways to enjoy frozen fun than with an ice cold condom. Here are other ideas to enjoy ice internally:
- Ice shot cups - If you're familiar with ice shots, then you can definitely incorporate them into your sex life. You can make these little ice cups using flexable ice trays. Once they're fully frozen, you can insert them into your hole of choice. Ice melts pretty quickly when introduced into a warm environment. And because these ice cups are usually fairly small, they should melt into cool water pretty fast.
- Store bought ice dildos - Yes, these exist. Some manufacturers develop a fancier dildo that can go straight into your freezer so you can take them out and play with them while they're cold. Other sell a penis-shaped silicone mold that you can fill with water to create a frozen penis shaped dildo sans the dissolved air and the condom cover.
- Popsicle - If you've ever licked a cold metal bar, a popsicle or ice cube, then you know how moisture on your tongue can cause the popsicle to stick. This is because a popsicle absorbs heat especially if it's significantly colder than melting point.
As you lick, the temperature of your tongue drops, and you get your tongue frozen. Some people enjoy the same sensation play, but down south. Others recommend the small Mexican popsicles that come in a plastic tube for safe play.
Safety Tips for Temperature Play
It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. While a little cold probably won't cause too many problems for the average person, it's still possible to sustain a few minor injuries from improper temperature play. So before you get started on an evening of wild, wet fun, consider these safety tips.
Never put an ice dildo all the way into the anus
You heard it, folks. Although it might seem fun and titillating to go all the way through the rear end with that frozen sex toy, anal sphincters can lock that baby in, preventing you from pulling it back out.
Ice can also numb the anus, which can get dangerous since anal sex tends to require heightened sensitivity to avoid injury. So unless you were ready for a fairly embarrassing trip to the ER, you should probably stick to rimming with frozen sex toys instead.
Use clean tap water only
Some people try to spice things up by using fruit juice, soda, and even alcohol for their frozen toys. While that might seem like a fun way to enjoy your sensory sexual experience, leakage is a real problem.
It's not recommended that you introduce anything other than clean water into any hole as other fluids may cause infections. So whether you're planning to make an ice dildo or ice cubes for bedroom play, only use clean water.
Avoid prolonged use
Ice dildos and other frozen sex toys should only make contact with your skin or flesh for measured amounts of time. Leaving an ice dildo in any orifice for extended periods of time can make the flesh or skin feel raw and may even cause frostbite (it happens!)
If you're planning on playing with any cold sex toys for a few hours, keep contact short and sweet. Give the flesh an ample amount of time to warm up after exposure to prevent thermal damage.
Brrr, It's Cold in Here
If you've ever wondered how to make an ice dildo, this one's for you. Offering new ways to enjoy and electrify your sex life, these dildos let you explore your preferences by providing opportunities to make your own sex toys.
But while your finished ice dildo should provide hours of fun, exciting ice play, don't forget to mind your safety. Follow these tips for safe, comfortable, and satisfying temperature play with your own homemade frozen dildo.